safetyharborlittleleague 2020-12-21T07:33:16-05:00 safetyharborlittleleague 2020-12-21T07:33:16-05:00 2020-12-21T07:33:16-05:00 YaY Wallet Wallet YaYwallet

Vendor: YaYwallet
Type: Wallet
Price: 10.00

SLIM. FUN. LIGHT. DURABLE. A new concept of ultra-slim wallet/cards holder for men and women. A fresh approach for women to carry the essentials and could use it as a fashion accessory - mixing and matching with the outfits or events. It's also the perfect size wallet for small purse/clutch, front or back pocket. Securely holds up to ten cards and some cash. Made of woven elastic. Has a natural RFID protection. Great for travel, outdoor activities or a fun night out. YaYwallet video on YouTube. ]]>
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